
Below are some articles covering web design, web development and sustainability. I have been a web developer in Bristol and London for a number of years and my blog posts give some insight into the work I undertake.

I use AI at work, but should I?

AI has its detractors, and rightly so, but are there some benefits that deserve some spotlight?


web developer bristol 1%fortheplanet
1% for the planet – Why I no longer subscribe

I believe in supporting initiatives that protect our planet – however I have now left 1% For The Planet, in favour of other charities.

Donations | Sustainability | Sustainable Web Design | Volunteering

Bristol WordPress Websites in 2024
2024: WordPress Websites I been working on this year

Reflecting on what has been an incredibly busy 2024 making WordPress websites in Bristol.

Web Development | WordPress

2023 – My Donations, Volunteering and Offsets

In 2023, as with every year, I set about undertaking my three annual commitments to sustainability – Volunteering, Donating & Offsetting.

Donations | Sustainability | Sustainable Web Design | Volunteering

My website is rated ‘A’ on the Website Carbon Rating System

After testing the new Website Carbon Rating System, I’m pleased to announce that my website achieved an A rating.

Sustainable Web Design | Web Development

great avon wood
A day of tree planting with Avon Needs Trees

Since building Avon Needs Trees’ website I have been meaning to volunteer for them, and this week I did just that.

Charity Websites | Volunteering

wordpress website energy
How much energy and CO2 my website saved in 2023

How much CO2e did my website save in 2023? Not that much, but…

Sustainable Web Design | WordPress

wordpress checklist
WordPress Pre- and Post-Live Checklist

When setting a WordPress website live, nothing can go wrong, right? Well, maybe.

Web Development | WordPress

carbon neutral website image
Why I no longer build carbon-neutral websites

In the past I have gotten to a position where I think I am carbon neutral, however, low-carbon seems more appropriate.

Sustainability | Sustainable Web Design | Web Development

Charity WordPress Websites: Building WordPress websites for environmental charities

A few WordPress websites I have built for environmental charities and organisations.

Charity Websites | Sustainable Web Design | WordPress

sustainable web development
Sustainable Web Development – how this website is built sustainably

A summary of what I have done to minimise this website’s environmental impact.

Sustainable Web Design | Web Development

The Importance of Green Web Hosting and Sustainable Web Development

How to minimise the impact of your website through Sustainable Web Development

Sustainability | Sustainable Web Design | Web Design | Web Development

Bryn-Arw - Stump Up For Trees
2022 – My Carbon Offsets, Donations and Volunteering

A round up of my volunteering, donations and offsets for 2022.

Charity Websites | Donations | Sustainable Web Design

renewable websites sun sea
Websites powered by the wind, sun and sea

Making carbon-free websites that run on 100% renewables

Sustainability | Sustainable Web Design

sustainable web design
Sustainable Web Design – what is it?

Sustainable web design is an important and growing field in the digital world.

Sustainability | Sustainable Web Design | Web Design

bristol suspension bridge
Recent web development projects

Cheesy picture of Bristol? Check. A collection of projects I have been working on recently.

Sustainable Web Design | Web Design | Web Development | WordPress

Krystal & Ecologi – Case Study

Green web hosting and ecological restoration in one article? Go on then.

Sustainability | Sustainable Web Design | Web Development

ecosia browser tool
Planting trees while you shop

A browser extension that plants trees while you shop – without costing you a penny.

Sustainability | Sustainable Web Design

web development bitcoin
Bitcoin energy consumption – larger than Sweden’s

Looking at the huge environmental impact of Bitcoin – and the simple way to reduce it by 99.9%.

Sustainability | Sustainable Web Design

hazeland near Bristol
2021 – My Carbon Offsets, Donations and Volunteering

2021’s donations, offsets and volunteering – from Ecologi, Rob Greenfield & Avon Needs Trees.

Donations | Sustainability | Sustainable Web Design

bennetts patch
How your website can avert the insect apocalypse

How your website can help to boost biodiversity and halt the trend of declining insect numbers

Sustainability | Sustainable Web Design | Web Development

environmental podcasts
Environmental Podcasts

We all love a good podcast. I have added a list of my favourites covering climate change and the environment.

Podcasts | Sustainability | Sustainable Web Design

web design vs web development bristol image
Web Design vs Web Development – The Difference

Web design and web development are often confused and assumed to be the same discipline. So what are the differences?

Web Design | Web Development | WordPress

web design bristol trees for life
2020 – My Carbon Offsets, Donations and Volunteering

My carbon offsets, donations and volunteering commitments from 2020.


web design bristol
Web Design – My development aims for 2021

Web design is an area I am trying to learn more of in 2021 from my office in Bristol.

Web Design | Web Development

wordpress web development
Web Development Libraries – 5 libraries I use with every single project

Five libraries I always use – from carousels to popups and animations.

Web Design | Web Development | WordPress

river avon bristol
2019 – My Carbon Offsets, Donations and Volunteering

My carbon offsets, donations and volunteering commitments from 2019.


sustainable web design image
Sustainable Web Development – Building low-carbon websites

How I use sustainable web design principles along with other strategies to make my websites as environmentally friendly as possible.

Sustainability | Sustainable Web Design

Website Carbon Calculator- Jay Burt Web Development, Bristol
Website Carbon Calculator

Want to know how much CO2 is being released your website? Well, now you can.

Sustainable Web Design