Sustainable Web Design
Articles about sustainable web design and development. By paying attention to sustainability in how I code I can efficiently reduce the environmental impact of the websites I make.
1% for the planet – Why I no longer subscribe
I believe in supporting initiatives that protect our planet – however I have now left 1% For The Planet, in favour of other charities.
Donations | Sustainability | Sustainable Web Design | Volunteering
2023 – My Donations, Volunteering and Offsets
In 2023, as with every year, I set about undertaking my three annual commitments to sustainability – Volunteering, Donating & Offsetting.
Donations | Sustainability | Sustainable Web Design | Volunteering
My website is rated ‘A’ on the Website Carbon Rating System
After testing the new Website Carbon Rating System, I’m pleased to announce that my website achieved an A rating.
How much energy and CO2 my website saved in 2023
How much CO2e did my website save in 2023? Not that much, but…
Why I no longer build carbon-neutral websites
In the past I have gotten to a position where I think I am carbon neutral, however, low-carbon seems more appropriate.
Charity WordPress Websites: Building WordPress websites for environmental charities
A few WordPress websites I have built for environmental charities and organisations.
Sustainable Web Development – how this website is built sustainably
A summary of what I have done to minimise this website’s environmental impact.
The Importance of Green Web Hosting and Sustainable Web Development
How to minimise the impact of your website through Sustainable Web Development
Sustainability | Sustainable Web Design | Web Design | Web Development
2022 – My Carbon Offsets, Donations and Volunteering
A round up of my volunteering, donations and offsets for 2022.
Websites powered by the wind, sun and sea
Making carbon-free websites that run on 100% renewables
Sustainable Web Design – what is it?
Sustainable web design is an important and growing field in the digital world.
Recent web development projects
Cheesy picture of Bristol? Check. A collection of projects I have been working on recently.
Sustainable Web Design | Web Design | Web Development | WordPress
Krystal & Ecologi – Case Study
Green web hosting and ecological restoration in one article? Go on then.
Planting trees while you shop
A browser extension that plants trees while you shop – without costing you a penny.
Bitcoin energy consumption – larger than Sweden’s
Looking at the huge environmental impact of Bitcoin – and the simple way to reduce it by 99.9%.
2021 – My Carbon Offsets, Donations and Volunteering
2021’s donations, offsets and volunteering – from Ecologi, Rob Greenfield & Avon Needs Trees.
Sustainable Web Development – what is it and why does it matter?
From coal-powered data centres to growing salad…
How your website can avert the insect apocalypse
How your website can help to boost biodiversity and halt the trend of declining insect numbers
Environmental Podcasts
We all love a good podcast. I have added a list of my favourites covering climate change and the environment.
Sustainable Web Development – Building low-carbon websites
How I use sustainable web design principles along with other strategies to make my websites as environmentally friendly as possible.
Website Carbon Calculator
Want to know how much CO2 is being released your website? Well, now you can.
2018 – My Carbon Offsets and Donations
Details of my carbon offsetting and donations from FY 2018.